Reimagining how we engage, educate & empower our high school communities…

Secondary School Years (12-18 years)

In secondary years we start to see children become young adults as they begin to take on more responsibility and start to think outside of their own environment. At this stage, individuals will start to question themselves, their community, their purpose and the world around them and will seek opportunities to step outside of their comfort zone and explore the wider world, testing boundaries as they go. Young people will be looking to find a greater sense of purpose and place in the world. This is a time in which connection, inclusion and community play a vital role in supporting a young individuals overall wellbeing, health and safety. The beach environment, is one that we often see explored and engaged with as young peer groups look for a sense of freedom and excitement. The beach can be a very supportive and nurturing environment to a young persons wellbeing and sense of connection to the environment and people around them. Unfortunately, we often also see young people engaging in highly risky activities while on the coast and there may be many reasons for this. Surf Life Saving provides a prime base from which to build a young persons sense of self and empower them to make healthy, safe and positive choices.


- What skills and strategies can be used to manage challenging situations and seek help?
- What positive actions contribute to my own safety and the safety of those around me?
- Why are connection, inclusion and empowerment important for the health, safety and wellbeing of my own and the wider community?
- How do the attitudes and behaviours of my friends impact the safety and wellbeing of myself and my peer group?
- How does the use of alcohol and drugs impact my ability to keep myself and others safe?
- Why do young people choose to engage in positive and negative risk taking behaviour?
- How can I recognise potentially unsafe environments and situations and what strategies can I use to promote my own and others safety in a variety of real life situations?

youth taking photos

Interested in having your club engage with the local secondary schools in your community? Try some of these...

  • Reach out to a local school to plan a visit and have some of your clubs Lifesavers do a show and tell.
  • Do a presentation on core FLAGS messages and key beach safety. (Get in touch with us for some resources - see below)
  • Do a talk about the "day of a lifesaver" and all the duties and activities involved.
  • Talk about some real scenarious and challenging Lifesaving related situations and how they were resolved.
  • Provide the teacher with some resources prior to or following your visit. (See activity sheet resources below)
  • Discuss risk taking behaviours and activities with the students and how these could impact their own safety and the safety of their friends. (see PBL worksheet for sample scenarios)
  • Take a group of students to the beach - run some sand and/or water based nipper style activities. (download nipper activities document below)
  • Do a Lifesaver and club equipment show and tell, allowing students to try on and hold various available equipment - role play how they are used.
  • Do you have a safe rock platform at your beach? Take a group of students to explore the rock pools and marine creatures there. (Download rock pool explorer resource below)
  • Not able to bring students to your beach? Run some nipper style activities at the school playground or a nearby park.
  • Reach out to us! More resources coming for this group soon.
Would you like to seek further support and information from SLSNSW Community Education to help you engage with local Early Childhood centres and groups? Reach out to Jenni Clarke, our Schools and regional communities Education Officer at or on 0447 878 024.

View our Secondary School targeted programs & resources...

Beach & Ocean Safety

Be prepared before you head to the beach and learn our useful tips to keep you, your family, your friends and your loved ones safe when you visit our beautiful coast!

The Learning Journey

Over the last few years the SLSNSW Community Education have been working hard to review and reimagine the way that we educate and engage our various and diverse communities.

Adults, Parents & Families

A vital key message for our adults is to remember that beach safety begins well before setting foot in the sand and it begins with the decision to go to the beach. It is the small positive decisions and actions that we take that will ultimately provide for our and our familys' well-being.

Our Senior Communities

Helping to support and promote heath and safety within our senior communities can support continued engagement in beach related activities, surf life saving club activities and can also reduce the risk of serious incidents at the beach and in the water.

The Early Years Journey

Learning development in early years is heavily based on sensorial experiences, exploring the world around us through sight, smell, touch, taste and feel. In these early years children are learing about themselves and the environment around them through trial and error and through tangible experiences.

The Primary School Years

The beach and the Surf Life Saving community provides a wonderful theme for primary aged children to learn not only about themselves, the environment and the community, but about safety, respect and inclusion and creates a solid base to discuss and explore challenging situations and helpful strategies to keep themselves and their community safe.

Young Males & At-Risk Youth (15-29 years)

The beach and Surf Life Saving community provides a perfect learning base for young males to develop their abilities and skills in choosing positive and safe activities, supporting their peers to be safe and learning to better judge situations and challenging environments.

Lifesaver @ My School (7-12)

Bring a Lifesaver to your school and give your students the opportunity to learn about beach and ocean safety in their own classroom and backyard.

Lifesaver @ My School (K-6)

Our Lifesaver @ My School program brings our qualified lifesavers right into your classroom! Students from K to 6 will learn about beach and ocean safety.