Young Males & At-Risk Youth
Reimagining how we engage, educate & empower our young male and at-risk youth communities…
Young Males & at-risk Youth (15-29 years)
- How does my culture and cultural identify impact my safety at the beach?
- How have my previous experiences with water impacted my confidence in and around water now?
- How do gender roles and stereotypes of masculinity impact the decisions I make?
- How can the attitudes and behaviours of my friends impact my safety?
- Why do young people choose to engage in positive and negative risk taking behaviour?
- How can I recognise potentially unsafe environments and situations and what strategies can I use to promote my own and others safety in a variety of real life situations?
- How can I know and understand my own limits in different situations?
- How does the use of alcohol and drugs impact my ability to keep myself and others safe?
- How can I apply knowledge of my own limitations to the situations in which I am in?
- What actions can I take to ensure the safety of my friends/family and the people I am with?

Interested in having your club engage with local at-risk youth or young male comunities in your area? Try some of these...
- Reach out to a local PCYC or YMCA to plan a visit and have some of your clubs Lifesavers do a show and tell.
- Do a presentation on core FLAGS messages and key beach safety. (Get in touch with us for some resources - see below)
- Do a talk about the "day of a lifesaver" and all the duties and activities involved.
- Talk about some real scenarious and challenging Lifesaving related situations and how they were resolved.
- Provide the facilitator with some resources prior to or following your visit. (See activity sheet resources below)
- Discuss risk taking behaviours and activities with the students and how these could impact their own safety and the safety of their friends. (see PBL worksheet for sample scenarios)
- Take a group of students to the beach - run some sand and/or water based nipper style activities. (download nipper activities document below)
- Do a Lifesaver and club equipment show and tell, allowing individuals to try on and hold various available equipment.
- Get the group down to the beach for some games on the sand followed by a more casual beach safety chat.
- Setup a game of football or volleyball on the sand to get participants engaged and having some fun.
- Reach out to us! We can help connect you with a Youth related network and provide support to ensure we make the best impact in this space.
Activity sheets & resources to download...
NEW Youth & Young Male Targeted Program COMING SOON...
We are currently working on a brand new campaign and facilitated, scenario based program to better engage and educate our young male and at risk risk youth community, to be launched 2022!