Community Education Health Check & Report

Health Check Overview

SLSNSW conducted a Community Education Health Check, giving NSW SLS clubs and branches the opportunity to provide valuable feedback, comments and information back to SLSNSW. In mid-2020 a preliminary report was provided back to clubs and branches. The aim of the health check was to seek direct feedback from clubs and branches on their current and future planned engagement in community education activities. Better understanding the intentions, interests, needs and concerns of clubs and branches better positions SLSNSW to support. We are already using your feedback to build targeted plans in this space.

The Community Education Health Check highlighted against three key areas.






Support Needs

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A centralised set of guidelines, protocols and resources for community outreach and education. The less we have to think about how to do it, the less standing between taking action

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Multicultural Community Education Support

Multicultural and Culutrally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities are a high priority for SLSNSW when it comes to educating and engaging them in key beach safety messages.

The Learning Journey

Over the last few years the SLSNSW Community Education have been working hard to review and reimagine the way that we educate and engage our various and diverse communities.

Adults, Parents & Families

A vital key message for our adults is to remember that beach safety begins well before setting foot in the sand and it begins with the decision to go to the beach. It is the small positive decisions and actions that we take that will ultimately provide for our and our familys' well-being.

Our Senior Communities

Helping to support and promote heath and safety within our senior communities can support continued engagement in beach related activities, surf life saving club activities and can also reduce the risk of serious incidents at the beach and in the water.

The Early Years Journey

Learning development in early years is heavily based on sensorial experiences, exploring the world around us through sight, smell, touch, taste and feel. In these early years children are learing about themselves and the environment around them through trial and error and through tangible experiences.

The Primary School Years

The beach and the Surf Life Saving community provides a wonderful theme for primary aged children to learn not only about themselves, the environment and the community, but about safety, respect and inclusion and creates a solid base to discuss and explore challenging situations and helpful strategies to keep themselves and their community safe.

The Secondary School Years

In secondary years we start to see children become young adults as they begin to take on more responsibility and start to think outside of their own environment. Surf Life Saving provides a prime base from which to build a young persons sense of self and empower them to make healthy, safe and positive choices.

Young Males & At-Risk Youth (15-29 years)

The beach and Surf Life Saving community provides a perfect learning base for young males to develop their abilities and skills in choosing positive and safe activities, supporting their peers to be safe and learning to better judge situations and challenging environments.