Annie & the Waves - Early Childhood Program
Bring the Annie & the Waves program to your early learning center and help your children and families engage in beach and coastal safety learning early on.
Our Early Childhood Sessions have been created to provide young children, teachers and parents with education around coastal safety with our surf lifesavers.
Young children are one of the highest risk groups for drownings and teaching them to stay safe in and around water is vital to ensuring they can learn how to keep themselves safe.
Each child receives a Certificate and a Beach Safety Checklist to take home to their family with each Center provided with activity sheets.
About the program
- 45 minute sessions
- Story book time
- Sensory learning & play
- Beach safety
- Dress up time
- Marine creatures
- Singing & moving
- Pretending & imagining
- Activity sheets
Where is this program available?
We will present this program at your ECC if you are located in Greater Sydney, Wollongong or the Central Coast.
Is there a fee for this program?
This program is fully funded with no costs to your centre.
Do you visit multicultural centres?
Yes? We have multicultural presenters who can present to your children.
What resources are provided to my center?
We provide each child who participates in the program a Beach Safety Super Star Certificate and a Beach Safety Super Star Checklist. These are take-home resources for the children to share with their parents. We also provide your center with activity sheets as part of the program.