Here you can learn how to make your very own jellyfish in a bottle and learn and discover lots of amazing facts about jellyfish, turtles and the importance of keeping our oceans plastic free.

All sea turtle species are at risk from plastic. Research suggests that 52% of the world’s turtles have eaten plastic waste. The reasons are simple: a floating plastic bag can look like a lot of jellyfish, algae, or other species that make up a large component of the sea turtles’ diets.

sea turtle

Create a Jellyfish in a bottle with Noah

In this activity children can make their very own jellyfish in a bottle and see for themselves just how easy it is for plastic to look like a floating jellyfish... no wonder turtles think they are food!

What you will need...

  • Plastic bag
  • Clear plastic bottle
  • Scissors
  • Permanent Marker (Any colour)
  • Water
  • String
  • Blue food colouring
  • Cup
  • Funnel
  • Paper towels (to wipe up any spills)

What you need to do...

Jellyfish STEP ONE


Draw and colour in a circle with your marker in the middle of your plastic bag.
Jellyfish STEP TWO


Place the circle side up into a plastic bag and add a little water.
Jellyfish STEP THREE


Carefully twist the plastic bag to create a round jellyfish head. Tie with some string.
Jellyfish STEP FOUR


Carefully cut some long tentatcles for your jellyfish.
Jellyfish STEP FIVE


Fill you plastic bottle half way with water.
Jellyfish STEP SIX


Gently place your jellyfish inside the bottle.
Jellyfish filling up bottle


Add 3-5 drops of blue dye to the remaining water and fill your bottle to the top.
Jellyfish in a bottle


Screw the bottle top lid on tighlty and enjoy your new masterpiece!
jellyfish 3


Learn more about these amazing creatures below.

Fun facts about jellyfish!

  • Jellyfish have been around for millions of years.
  • Jellyfish were already on this planet before the dinosaurs!
  • Jellyfish can be many different colours and they can even glow in the dark.
  • A group of jellyfish is called a bloom or a swarm.
  • Jellyfish do not have brains, bones or a heart.
  • The lion’s mane jellyfish is the world’s largest jellyfish species - It can have tentacles that are over 27 meters long!

Jellyfish can come in many different shapes, sizes and colours!

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How can plastics and other pollution impact our ocean and beach marine life?

plastic bag in the ocean


Many marine animals might accidentally mistake plastic bags and other garbage for food. Digesting these sorts of items can be very harmful and cause disease and even death.
plastics and marine creatures


Marine animals, especially smaller fish can easily become entangled and trapped inside of floating debris such as plastic bags, unable to escape.
ocean plastics


While one plastic bag may not seem like enough to make an impact, a lot of plastic bags and other garbage can make a very big impact to our marine life leading to a loss of habitat for them to swim, feed and breed.

Help keep our oceans and beaches clean.

Next time your at the beach, help keep our beaches and oceans clean by taking al of your garbage with you. If you see some plastics or other litter, do the right thing, pick it up and put it in the bin.

plastics on beach

What else would you like to explore?

How to stay safe at the beach

The beach is for everyone to enjoy. Knowing how to stay safe while at the beach will make sure that you and your family have the best day possible.

Learn about marine creatures

There are lots of amazing marine creatures that live in the ocean and on our beaches. What are the ones you should look out for when you visit the beach?

What is a surf lifesaver?

Each summer over 20,000 members of SLSNSW put on the iconic red and yellow uniforms at beaches across the state. So who exactly are these heroes in red and yellow? Let's find out!

What is a rip current?

Rip currents are one of the biggest dangers at the beach. Knowing what a rip is, how to spot one and how to avoid one is key to staying safe at the beach.

What is a wave?

Waves can be fun. You can dive under them, jump over them, watch them gently roll to shore or be awed by their power as they crash on the beach. So how are they formed?

Annie & the Waves

Learn how to stay safe at the beach with our lifesavers Grace, Liam & Louise. They will take your children on a narrated journey with Annie as she goes on holiday to the beach.

Beach fun with the Minions!

Get the kids learning with the Minions! Free beach safety activity sheets and and posters for your kids. They will absolutely love them!

Explore a rock pool

Next time you're at the beach, head down to the rock pool and explore all the amazing aquatic and marine life.

Get Creative!

Here you will find some fun, interesting and educational beach and ocean themed activities for kids. Get creative as you learn about staying safe at the beach and protecting our oceans and exploring through sensory play.