Community Education Support

SLSNSW acknowledges the need to better support our clubs and branches to engage and educate their communities. We have been working hard to lay the foundations of a renewed community education space and are looking forward to sharing these with you and supporting you in whatever way we can.

SLSNSW Community Education

At SLSNSW, we define community education as any activities or programs which have been developed to address drowning through the raising of awareness or provision of education or skill development within the community. Community education is an organisational responsibility at all levels of the organisation. SLSNSW’s focus is to support clubs and branches to engage in community education, and to fill any gaps in delivery for at-risk groups where required. Many branches and clubs already deliver community education activities, and have been doing so successfully for many years, building and maintaining their profile and relationships with local communities. We are here to support clubs and branches in whatever way that we can to ensure that NSW communities have the opportunity and ability to be educated on beach and coastal safety and that our clubs feel they have the resources, training and ability to deliver education to their communities as needed.

SLSNSW Community Education Target Groups

  • CALD, Multicultural, refugee, new migrant & Indigenous communities.
  • Early childhood centres, parents & families
  • Older communities (Inclusive of multicultural senior groups)
  • Coastal accommodation service providers
  • Rock Fishers
  • Primary & Secondary school students (inclusive of Low ELP & High CALD schools, as well as IEC’s)
  • Regional & remote communities (inclusive of schools & refugee & new migrant communities)
  • LGA Councils & Multicultural Community Service Providers
  • International students (Inc. Tertiary Institutes)
  • Youth & Young male’s (15-29 years of age)
  • Tourists, Backpackers & General Public groups
  • Aquatic centre communities & staff

SLSNSW conducted a Communtiy Education health check, seeking comments and feedback from NSW SLS clubs & branches.

CALD group talk

How can SLSNSW support your club or branch to provide community education to your local communities?

  • PEOPLE - To support the delivery of community education programs to at-risk communities.
  • RESOURCES - To support the delivery of beach and coastal safety information and programs to diverse and multilingual communities.
  • FUNDING - To support the costs associated with the delivery of community education and engagement sessions to at-risk communities.
  • TRAINING - To support the development of members involved in the delivery of community education and the engagement of at-risk communities.
  • NETWORKS - To support the connection of clubs and branches to local networks and relevant contacts.

SLSNSW are ready to work with you and support you with training, networks, promotion, resources and subsidies. We have many communities looking for opportunities to learn at their local beach. Complete the form and we will be in touch with you shortly.


Looking for resources and information on engaging different groups within our community? Check out The Learning Journey.

young males at beach

Are you looking for more information & resources for a specific target group?

Check out these pages below...

The Early Years Journey

Learning development in early years is heavily based on sensorial experiences, exploring the world around us through sight, smell, touch, taste and feel. In these early years children are learing about themselves and the environment around them through trial and error and through tangible experiences.

The Primary School Years

The beach and the Surf Life Saving community provides a wonderful theme for primary aged children to learn not only about themselves, the environment and the community, but about safety, respect and inclusion and creates a solid base to discuss and explore challenging situations and helpful strategies to keep themselves and their community safe.

The Secondary School Years

In secondary years we start to see children become young adults as they begin to take on more responsibility and start to think outside of their own environment. Surf Life Saving provides a prime base from which to build a young persons sense of self and empower them to make healthy, safe and positive choices.

Adults, Parents & Families

A vital key message for our adults is to remember that beach safety begins well before setting foot in the sand and it begins with the decision to go to the beach. It is the small positive decisions and actions that we take that will ultimately provide for our and our familys' well-being.

Young Males & At-Risk Youth (15-29 years)

The beach and Surf Life Saving community provides a perfect learning base for young males to develop their abilities and skills in choosing positive and safe activities, supporting their peers to be safe and learning to better judge situations and challenging environments.

Our Senior Communities

Helping to support and promote heath and safety within our senior communities can support continued engagement in beach related activities, surf life saving club activities and can also reduce the risk of serious incidents at the beach and in the water.
For any questions, comments or feedback, please reach out to Community Education Manager, Julia Kiss, at or 0424198464.

Explore the hub...

How to stay safe at the beach

The beach is for everyone to enjoy. Knowing how to stay safe while at the beach will make sure that you and your family have the best day possible.

Learn about marine creatures

There are lots of amazing marine creatures that live in the ocean and on our beaches. What are the ones you should look out for when you visit the beach?

What is a surf lifesaver?

Each summer over 20,000 members of SLSNSW put on the iconic red and yellow uniforms at beaches across the state. So who exactly are these heroes in red and yellow? Let's find out!

What is a rip current?

Rip currents are one of the biggest dangers at the beach. Knowing what a rip is, how to spot one and how to avoid one is key to staying safe at the beach.

What is a wave?

Waves can be fun. You can dive under them, jump over them, watch them gently roll to shore or be awed by their power as they crash on the beach. So how are they formed?

Explore a rock pool

Next time you're at the beach, head down to the rock pool and explore all the amazing aquatic and marine life.

Get Creative!

Here you will find some fun, interesting and educational beach and ocean themed activities for kids. Get creative as you learn about staying safe at the beach and protecting our oceans and exploring through sensory play.

Beach fun with the Minions!

Get the kids learning with the Minions! Free beach safety activity sheets and and posters for your kids. They will absolutely love them!

Annie & the Waves

Learn how to stay safe at the beach with our lifesavers Grace, Liam & Louise. They will take your children on a narrated journey with Annie as she goes on holiday to the beach.

Learn & Play in your Language

Welcome to our multilingual hub! Here you will learn in your own language about the beach, rip currents, lifesavers, rock fishing and most importantly how you and your family and friends can stay safe while enjoying our beautiful beaches.

Avoiding dangerous situations

Many people enjoy rock fishing, but it can be very dangerous. Learn how to be safe while rock fishing to avoid putting yourself in risky and dangerous situations.

Rock Fishing Safety Tips

Knowing how to stay safe and what to look out for while rock fishing can help you to stay safe and ensure an enjoyable rock fishing experience with your friends and family.

Things to plan before going rock fishing

Rock fishing is fun but it's important to prepare before you leave home. Learn more about how you can ensure you are ready for a safe and fun rock fishing experience.

What should I wear when I go rock fishing?

It is important to have the correct fishing safety gear & equipment to ensure you are fishing safely.

Stories from our community

Do you have a story to tell that you would like to share? Have you had a scary, happy or life changing experience with the ocean or at a beach? No matter how big or small we would love to hear your story.

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