Reimagining how we engage, educate & empower the adults, parents and families within our communities...

Adults, parents & families

When we educate one person about beach safety, we know that we are educating a family and a community. Adult groups and older individuals can be harder to engage in beach safety education as they are less likely to be a captive audience - but they are just as important. In the instance of younger children, we know that we must always make an effort to engage their parents and families. We may be able to teach young children about beach safety but it will ultimately come down to the guidance and instruction of their parents and family that will lead to a safe or unsafe beach environment in which to play and have fun. In mutlicultural communitis we know that many adults cannot swim and yet they will be the ones to supervise their children at the beach and in the water. A vital key message for our adults is to remember that beach safety begins well before setting foot in the sand and it begins with the decision to go to the beach. It is the small positive decisions and actions that we take that will ultimately provide for our and our familys well-being. Ensuring we reserach the beach before leaving home, pack appropriately, wear proper swim wear, swim between the flags, check the signs and always swim together and monitor young children will help our communities stay safe and have a great beach day.


- How will the decisions we make impact my safety and the safety of my family?
- How will our actions and behaviours impact my safety and the safety of my family?
- How will my values and beliefs impact our safety and the safety of my familiy?
- How will my previous experiences impact the way I behave in and around water?
- What is a risk or hazard to me?
- How do we identify a risk?
- How do we identify a hazard?
- What is personal safety and well being?
- How do we ask for help?
- What does it mean to be aware of my environment?
- How does my experience with authority figures impact my safety?
- How do cultural and religious beliefs impact safety and safe decision making?

picnic 3

Interested in having your club engage with the wider comunity in your area? Try some of these...

  • Reach out to a local community group to plan a visit and have some of your clubs Lifesavers do a show and tell.
  • Do a presentation on core FLAGS messages and key beach safety. (Get in touch with us for some resources - see below)
  • Get in touch with you local council to find out what events you might be able to attend to engage local communities.
  • Your local council may be able to support some presentation sessions to council community groups or they may be able to connect you with specific cultural groups.
  • Arrange a Community or Family Open Day at your club - promote through the council and local business.
  • Run a hazard awareness session on the beach and include a rip dye demonstration.
  • Do a Lifesaver and club equipment show and tell, allowing individuals to try on and hold various available equipment.
  • Reach out to us! We can help connect you with a local related networks and provide support to ensure we make the best impact in this space.

We have lots of resources, programs and networks that can help to support your club to engage with local multicultural communities. Check out our support page and reach out to us for further information.

Would you like to seek further support and information from SLSNSW Community Education to help you engage with local wider community groups? Reach out to Isam Al-Handola, our Multicultural Education & Engagement Officer at or on 0429 614 873.

View our community relevant resources & programs...

Beach & Ocean Safety

Be prepared before you head to the beach and learn our useful tips to keep you, your family, your friends and your loved ones safe when you visit our beautiful coast!

Multilingual Beach Safety Quizzes

These quizzes have been developed by SLSNSW to support the learning of our in language content. The quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn and consolidate knowledge and are available in multiple languages.

Multilingual Beach Safety Videos

These videos have been filmed with the help of our amazing Surf Life Saving Lifesavers and members. These videos focus on key beach safety messaging and are subtitled in English.

Multilingual Beach Safety Fact Sheets

Our beach safety fact sheets have been created for our diverse multilingual communities with the support of our Multicultural Advisory group and with the help of the communities they are created for.

Rock Fishing Safety

Do you enjoy rock fishing? Rock fishing is a popular sport for many but it can be dangerous. Use this page to learn about how you can keep yourself, friends and family safe.

Stories from our community

Do you have a story to tell that you would like to share? Have you had a scary, happy or life changing experience with the ocean or at a beach? No matter how big or small we would love to hear your story.

Day @ the Beach

Day @ the Beach is a multicultural and CALD community targeted beach safety program that can be delivered virtually or face to face in a selection of languages.