Multicultural & CALD Community Beach & Coastal Safety
SLSNSW is committed to making positive impact in the safety of diverse and multilingual communities.

Our work with multicultural and diverse communities is very important to us. Multicultural communities, including refugees and new migrants, are a high risk group for both drownings and non-fatal incidents at the beach. We know that there are many concerns and barriers facing multicultural communities in their ability to safely interact with the beach and ocean. Our programs and resources are developed and reviewed in community and with the support of our Multicultural Advisory Group. All programs and resources are specifically targeted to challenge the key issues facing diverse community members in the beach and coastal safety space.
Our Commitment to multicultural & diverse communities...
We will no longer…
Make assumptions about what multicultural communities do or do not know about the beach and beach safety.

We will… Involve & Empower Communities.
Working with our communities to involve and empower them in their own safety and wellbeing and the safety of their families, friends and local communities will ensure that our messages and information are meaningful, relevant and culturally aware and informed.

We will no longer…
Use guesswork in the development of multiculturally targeted messaging and resources.

We will… Actively seek support & expert advice.
Working with CALD and multicultural service providers we will seek expert insights and advice through the entire creative and development process of all new multiculturally targeted collateral and programs.

We will no longer…
Allow known barriers for multicultural communities to engagement with beach safety messaging, resources and programs to exist without acknowledgement and the active seeking of solutions.

We will... Provide alternative solutions and opportunities.
Working with Multicultural communities and service providers we will open conversations to discuss community barriers and concerns to safe engagement with the beach and we will proactively seek solutions to meet the needs of our diverse communities.