Our glossary has been created to support diverse audiences to improve their understanding of basic beach and surf lifesaving terminology.

Breaking down language

We know that many barriers exist to the safe participation of all communities with the coastline.

The "beach life" has it's own jargon and it's own language - learning to better understand this language can help our diverse communities better understand how to safely participate and engage in beach and coastal recreation safely.

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Supporting understanding

This glossary was created directly in line with our "Day at the Beach" program and we encourage the provision of this glossary to participants prior to the session. The glossary can be studied together in a group setting. For those interested in providing some activities around the glossary please see the glossary worksheet below.

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What else would you like to explore?

Multilingual Beach Safety Fact Sheets

Our beach safety fact sheets have been created for our diverse multilingual communities with the support of our Multicultural Advisory group and with the help of the communities they are created for.

Multilingual Beach Safety Quizzes

These quizzes have been developed by SLSNSW to support the learning of our in language content. The quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn and consolidate knowledge and are available in multiple languages.

Multilingual Beach Safety Videos

These videos have been filmed with the help of our amazing Surf Life Saving Lifesavers and members. These videos focus on key beach safety messaging and are subtitled in English.

Multilingual Rock Fishing Safety Infographic

Crafted by SLSNSW this infographic provides a visually illustrative and simple way to promote key rock fishing safety messages and activities.

Multilingual Rock Fishing Safety Videos

These videos have been filmed with the help of our amazing Surf Life Saving Lifesavers and members. These videos focus on key rock fishing safety messaging and are subtitled in English.

Day @ the Beach

Day @ the Beach is a multicultural and CALD community targeted beach safety program that can be delivered virtually or face to face in a selection of languages.

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