Ingenia Holiday Parks Beach to Bush

Since 1994, NSW surf lifesavers have been visiting schools in rural and remote areas in regional NSW to educate primary school students about beach, coastal and water safety.

Ingenia Holiday Parks Beach to Bush Program

B2B was launched in 1994 when a survey was undertaken which led to the trial and implementation of the first surf education program for rural NSW students. The research conducted by Surf Lifesaving highlighted that 50% of people rescued from the surf lived more than 50km from the beach. This was reinforced in the findings from the Premier’s Taskforce into water safety. As a result of this survey, the Beach to Bush program was developed to improve beach safety knowledge and awareness amongst primary school students. Each year our volunteer surf lifesavers go "bush" to visit rural and remote schools to educate students on beach and water safety.

What do students learn?

  • Beach and inland water safety
  • How to be sun smart
  • How to spot a rip
  • Where they should always swim at the beach
  • What to do if they get into trouble at the beach
  • The different types of marine life that can be found along the coast and inland waterways
  • Why they should always read and obey the signs at the beach
  • The role of lifesavers and lifeguards and how to ask them for safety advice

What is Beach to Bush?

Why do we have this program?

Beach to Bush is a very popular primary school aged surf education program that offers students in regional areas of NSW an introduction to surf lifesaving, focusing on beach and surf safety along with being safe around dams and inland waterways.

Students from regional communities are often less familiar with the potential dangers of the surf, our program aims to reach those children before they head to the coast with their families.

Our surf lifesavers will travel all over rural NSW (even including Burke!) as we want every school in rural and remote areas to have the opportunity to learn our beach, coastal & waterways safety messages.

No school is too small or too large for us to visit!

Our program is scheduled every year over three weeks for Term 4, just prior to the summer school holidays when many families in rural areas head to the beach.

When you register your school you are able to include your preferred date and time for us to visit.

Your session will be presented by trained, active and qualified volunteer NSW surf lifesavers.

Many of our lifesavers participate in this program year after year as they are very dedicated to educating rural kids.

Our lifesavers will be aiming to arrive at your school approximately 30 minutes before your session is due to commence to allow them time to set up.

The  presentations usually run for around 45 minutes. We allow extra time for Q&A at the end of your session as we love answering questions from students.

During our visual presentation our lifesavers will be interacting with your students for maximum learning.

We recommend that each session have a maximum of 100 students.

We are quite happy to have multiple sessions at your school, you can just let us know how many sessions you require when you register.

Yes! We have created beach safety quizzes for your students which include general beach safety, sun safety, rips and waves, sea creatures, basic first aid, rescues and getting help from a lifesaver or lifeguard. Teachers will receive a curriculum aligned guide against all available content for this program.

We offer this program to rural and remote schools in NSW as a FREE program, fully funded by Surf Life Saving NSW.



Don't miss out on this opportunity for our dedicated surf lifesavers to visit your school.


Gracy-Izzy-Anthony Tour 6_1
Gracy-Izzy-Anthony Tour 6
Beach-to-Bush-2006 (2)
Priscilla Pic
Beach-to-Bush-2007 (2)
Beach-to-Bush-2007 (3)
S/W Ver: 96.66.74R
Beach-to-Bush-2009 (3)
Beach-to-Bush-set-up 2012
Echo Point Random Tourists
L Signs 3-4
Mural Hazelbrooke PS 2
Niangala PS (3)
Niangala PS (6)
Beach-to Bush-2020-virtual
St Josephs Primary Merriwa-2
Hub 5 Swansea
# students reached
# schools visited
lifeguard chair
# presentations delivered
# volunteer presenters
# years B2B has been educating rural NSW students

The 2024 Ingenia Holiday Parks Beach to Bush program is also proudly supported by the NSW Government in association with Your local club

Have a look at our previous Beach to Bush programs and learn about the history of the program...

Beach to Bush 2023

In 2023 we celebrated 30 years of the Beach to Bush program meeting over 11,000 rural and remote NSW primary school students.

Beach to Bush 2022

Our dedicated surf lifesavers met over 10,000 students during their Beach to Bush tours in rural NSW in 2022

Beach to Bush 2021

For the first time Beach to Bush 2021 was brought to schools virtually with over 7000 students meeting our dedicated lifesavers.

Beach to Bush 2020

Beach to Bush 2020 was an amazing tour with over 9000 students attending a beach and coastal safety session with our lifesavers over three weeks.

Beach to Bush: the 30 Year Anniversary

We're celebrating the 30th anniversary of the iconic Beach to Bush program!

Beach to Bush the 30 year history 1994-2023

30 year history of the B2B program.

Programs and resources for primary students and teachers:

NSW Teachers School Newsletter

Bringing you all the latest beach & coastal education related news, programs and resources for NSW teachers and schools.

Primary Teaching Resources

Curriculum linked unit outlines with a 3 week staged based lesson plan for teachers to download.

Learning Resources Hub

Bring Surf Lifesaving into your classroom using our free tools and resources for primary & secondary teachers.