Learn how to stay safe at the beach with our lifesavers Grace, Liam & Louise as they take your children on a narrated journey with Annie as she goes on holiday to the beach. Best suited for children K-2.

Staying Safe at the Beach

Annie learnt a lot about how to stay safe in the water when two surf lifesavers visited her school.

When Annie goes on holidays to the beach with her family she discovers that the sea is unpredictable. She is initially wary of the waves but after meeting the lifesavers, and with the help of her Dad, Annie soon discovers the joys of swimming in the sea.

Annie’s confidence grows until she experiences a surging wave that drags her into deep water. Will she remember how to tell the surf lifesavers she needs help?

Annie is talking to a lifesaver at the beach

Children from ages 3- 8 will be engaged throughout our book reading as they learn about beach and ocean safety. They will have opportunities to respond to questions from our lifesavers as they learn key beach and ocean safety messages.

Key Learnings

  • Surf Lifesavers wear red and yellow.
  • You should always swim between the red and yellow flags.
  • Some beaches are safer then others.
  • There are different kinds of waves, some are safer then others.
  • If you get into difficulty in the water, stay calm and raise our hand to show lifesavers you need help.
  • Be sun safe at the beach. Wear a hat and rash vest and dont forget to put on sunscreen before you go out in the sun.
  • Always swim with a responsible adult.

"Remember you should always swim between the red and yellow flags and never go in the water alone!"

Resources & Programs

We are continually creating programs and resources for schools, communities, multicultural groups and early childhood centres. To learn more about being safe at the beach you are welcome to register for any of our sessions or check out more information here:

Annie & the Waves

A session just for our little ones...your children will meet our lifesavers virtually in these FREE 20-25 minutes interactive sessions.

Get Creative!

Here you will find some fun, interesting and educational beach and ocean themed activities for kids. Get creative as you learn about staying safe at the beach and protecting our oceans and exploring through sensory play.

Kangaroo Beach

Kangaroo Beach animated series follows the adventures of four animal friends training as junior cadets with the lifeguards.

Beach fun with the Minions!

Get the kids learning with the Minions! Free beach safety activity sheets and and posters for your kids. They will absolutely love them!

Primary Teaching Resources

Curriculum linked unit outlines with a 3 week staged based lesson plan for teachers to download.

Beach Safety for Kids

Having lots of fun at the beach means making sure that we do the right things to keep safe... what sorts of things you can do to stay safe at the beach?

How to stay safe at the beach

The beach is for everyone to enjoy. Knowing how to stay safe while at the beach will make sure that you and your family have the best day possible.

Learn about marine creatures

There are lots of amazing marine creatures that live in the ocean and on our beaches. What are the ones you should look out for when you visit the beach?

What is a surf lifesaver?

Each summer over 20,000 members of SLSNSW put on the iconic red and yellow uniforms at beaches across the state. So who exactly are these heroes in red and yellow? Let's find out!