Lifejacket Basics
It's a well-established fact that wearing a life jacket can save your life. Learn more about lifejackets, how to select the right one, how to put them on and how to properly maintain lifejackets. Also, learn about the lifejacket rules and where they apply in NSW.
Make the Right Choice.
Wear a Lifejacket.
Watch this video from NSW Maritime - Whether boating or rock fishing, always wear a Life Jacket.
Whether you're an adult or a child, a lifejacket is a vital piece of safety equipment that could save your life.
How to choose the right lifejacket for rock fishing
Not wearing a lifejacket can have serious consequences. Sadly, many people who drown in NSW while rock fishing were not wearing a lifejacket or did not know how to inflate it. It is strongly recommended that you always wear one.
Check out this video from the NSW Department of Primary Industries to learn more.
Check out these lifejacket safety standards for an appropriate lifejacket...
- For an adult: must meet Australian Standard AS 4758 level 50S or greater.
- For a child (under 12 years of age): must be level 100 Australian Standard AS 4758 or greater.
- Must be the correct size for the wearer.
- Must be in good condition.
- If the lifejacket is inflatable it must not rely solely on oral inflation for buoyancy and must be serviced every 12 months. A longer service period might apply if specified by the manufacture
It's not enough to just put on any lifejacket... Remember...
- If it's too big, the life jacket will ride up around your face.
- If it's too small, it will not be able to keep your body afloat.
- Life jackets designed for adults will not work for children!
How to Properly Fit a Life Jacket?
Check out this video from California State Parks on how to make sure your lifejacket fits.
How to self-service your inflatable lifejacket?
It is a legal requirement in NSW that inflatable lifejackets are serviced once a year, or in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Follow these five simple steps from Transport for NSW on how to service your inflatable lifejacket.